Rural Roads Group
The Rural Roads group meets twice a year and is comprised of an ad hoc group of interested residents that live, work, or frequently use rural roads in District 1. Also attending the meetings are Alameda County staff from public works and the planning department, and representatives from the County Sheriff’s department and the Dublin office of the California Highway Patrol.
The original purpose of the meetings was to develop and implement strategies to address traffic impacts to unincorporated eastern Alameda County Rural Roads as a result of chronic congestion on I-580. These strategies include applying the principles of “education, engineering and enforcement.” Through collaborative efforts with our partners at County and State agencies, residents and businesses, the Rural Roads group works within the confines of limited financial resources, legal and regulatory constraints, in an ongoing effort to manage the traffic impacts to these roads. Congestion on I-580 in the Tri-Valley, a major gateway corridor for goods movement and workforce commute travel between the Central Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area region, continues to increase regardless of economic conditions. In its regional plan, Transportation 2030, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission projects a 90 percent increase in vehicle travel through this corridor by 2030. In an effort to avoid this congested highway, motorists continue to seek alternative routes through Tri-Valley communities.
Since its inception in 2002 by Supervisor Scott Haggerty, the group has expanded to include rural, county roadways in the I-680 and SR 84 corridors. Efforts are currently underway to implement improvements in these corridors. Under current District 1 Supervisor David Haubert, the group has expanded to address issues with speeding and other unsafe driving behavior on rural roads, illegal dumping, and natural disaster road damage repairs.
You and your neighbors are invited to attend these meetings. Inquiries or reports about traffic on your road can be directed to Shawn Wilson, chief of staff, via e-mail or telephone at 925-551-6995. Click here for the District 1 Rural Roads Group Information & Contact List.